When you save a document to a disk in one of the Microsoft Office programs like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher, the save window has a certain directory permanently selected: user’s document library - this is the default directory for saving Microsoft Office files.
However, if you use a different directory for saving documents and you have to constantly navigate from default path to your own, there is a solution to this problem - changing the default document storage path to one you use.
The Default local file location option is set individually for each office application. If you want all programs to have a changed location, you have to set it separately for each one.
Example: If you want Word and PowerPoint to have a common location, you must repeat this operation for Word and PowerPoint separately.
Navigate to Save panel.
In the panel on the right find Default local file location. Change it to the path you desire.
From now whenever you hit the Ctrl + S shortcut, or click the save button and choose to save on local computer, you will be automatically offered to save to the location you just selected.