Lets say that you have a column with values, and you need to find out what distinct/unique values are in there.
Note: Goal is not see how many are there but to find an actual list of those values.
This is similar to SQL's
SELECT Distinct(Column) FROM Table
Go to Data Ribbon menu -> Sort & Filter section and click the Advanced button.
Excel Data/Advanced button - Click to enlarge
Fill in Advanced Filter dialog. Make sure to select Copy to another location and check Unique records only. Copy to is the place where the unique data will be placed at.
Excel - Advanced Filter Dialog - Click to enlarge
Unique values from source list are copied to new list starting at cell selected in Copy to property of Advanced filter dialog.
Excel - Unique values as a result - Click to enlarge
If are copying data to another sheet and get this error You can only copy filtered data to active sheet, you must start the Advanced filter dialog from the sheet you want to copy to.
Excel - You can only copy filtered data to active sheet - Dialog
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