I moved my documents from
drive back to
and this is what I got in both Visual Studio and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio:
The automatically saved settings file 'sql server management studioSettingsSQL Server Management StudioCurrentSettings-2013-06-06.vssettings' cannot be found. You can change this file on the 'Import and Export Settings' Tools Options page. The IDE will use your most recent settings for this session.
To fix this:
Step 1
Go to Tools/Options
- SQL Server Management Tools/Option
- Visual Studio Tools/Option
Step 2
Go to Environment/Import and Export Settings and change the path to existing one. I’ve used the path to my documents
- SQL Management Import and Export Settings
- Visual Studio Import and Export Settings
This worked for me too. That pop-up was getting very annoying. Thank you!!
what is my current email address
This is great and a big help. Thank you!
Thank you dude! Saved my day!
This works perfectly, thank you.
So you are overwitting VS2012 settings with Sql Server settings each time you are closing Sql Server Management Studio. Whaw …
no, why do you say that? it just to change the path in Visual Studio or SQL Management Studio _once_ and you do not overwrite any settings.